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WooCommerce Connector for NetSuite

NetScore connector that seamlessly integrates the WooCommerce webstore with NetSuite
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Integrate WooCommerce with NetSuite Seamlessly

NetSuite to WooCommerce

Efficient Catalog Management

Real-time exporting of products, categories and pricing from NetSuite to WooCommerce.

Connect Multiple Stores

Easily connect multiple stores by using configuration records in NetSuite.

Accurate Tracking of Shipping Details

Updates the WooCommerce user orders with valid shipping and tracking details as you fulfill the orders in NetSuite.

Real-time Order and Customer Sync

Transfers orders and customers to NetSuite in real-time and identifies repeated customers in the whole system.

Automatic Inventory Sync

Automatically lowers items available in inventory based on the item purchase history and avoid inventory discrepancies between NetSuite and WooCommerce.

Manage Your Data & Orders Between NetSuite and WooCommerce

Automatically Creates/Updates Product Information

Items can be updated, so that end users can see real-time information of products, pricing and other attributes.

Real-time Order Import and Automatic Fulfillment

Real-time order import process ensures that orders get fulfilled and shipped from the warehouse at a rapid pace.

Real-time Updates

Focus on increasing sales with real-time updates.
• Complete automation of the sales process.
• Returns and Refunds handling.
• Inbuilt error handling mechanisms.

Real-time Inventory and Pricing Sync

Allows the users to see real-time inventory and pricing information in WooCommerce webstore, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Updates the Tracking Information to WooCommerce

Regular update of tracking details enables the end user to be well informed about shipping order status.







Import Customers & Orders from WooCommerce to NetSuite

Export Shipments & Order Cancellations from NetSuite to WooCommerce

Export Items, Inventory & Pricing from NetSuite to WooCommerce

Export Order Status Update from NetSuite to WooCommerce


*Includes all the Features of Standard Edition

Export Item Images from NetSuite to WooCommerce

Export Order Refunds from NetSuite to WooCommerce

Import Order Fees (Payment Gateway Fees) from WooCommerce to NetSuite

NetScore Customer Saying
MedSTAT-(C&C) Logo

Excellent Product, Even Better Customer Service

“One of the main stumbling blocks in our switch to Netsuite was being able to seamlessly connect our WooCommerce platform. Netscore has handled that beautifully with their WooCommerce connector. Implementation of the connector was a complete walk in the park for us. In some instances, we’ve encountered with other vendors, they leave all the heavy lifting for you. With Netscore, that is not the case. They do their research and handle nearly every aspect to get you up and running fast. The connector, itself, does exactly as described. It just works…reliably and accurately. If you run into issues in the day to day, the Netscore support team gets you back up and running usually inside a few hours or less. I can’t say enough good things about our experience the Netscore team!”

Christopher Haggard | Technology Director

MedSTAT, a Division of C&C Containers, LLC

NetScore FAQ

Real-time Inventory and Pricing Sync

Allows the users to see real-time inventory and pricing information in WooCommerce webstore, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Updates the Tracking Information
to WooCommerce

Regular update of tracking details enables the end user to be well informed about shipping order status.

See What Our Customers Are Saying!

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